Sunday, August 2, 2020

Bidden or Not Bidden, God is Present

Have you ever noticed that it’s often in our most challenging times that we feel God’s presence most clearly? I’m not saying it should be this way or that God only appears when we most need him. Rather, I think there is just something about significant challenges and trials that clarify our priorities and cut through the many distractions of everyday life that prevent us from seeing God more clearly. What strikes me in this passage (Matthew 14:22-33) is how it reveals something deeply true about our humanity, and perhaps the behavior of his disciples. While I know that I often overlook God’s presence when all is well, but I have no problem calling out to him when things take a more difficult turn and are not going so well. Yes, I know it’s all a part of our transformative journey in which we desire to grow in our quest to be more closely united with God. But let’s face it, it’s so much easier when times are peaceful and pleasant.

Looking back over these months of distancing, confinement, aggravated by racial unrest and violence, I realize how our faith is a little like a yo-yo or see-saw, up one day, down the other. Our initial fear of the early unknown had us praying and hungry for God’s comfort. I remember what solace we took in our solitary Easter Sunday video Mass hovered round the computer, and our communal remote prayer sessions giving us some sense of connection. Ana when after time a period of time, when everything looked like it was getting better, our fear subsided somewhat…only to be shaken again by resurgence, anarchy and issues of health in our midst and. So, here we are, right back on our knees imploring God’s help. When tragedy strikes in the form of personal loss, illness, the fracture of a relationship, or some mistake we’ve made, our ongoing need for God becomes painfully clear.

Only last week Isaiah (55:1-33) reminded  us that from the beginning of our creation God desired that we flourish and thrive and while we know the journey back to Him is not easy and requires  effort on our part, do we sometimes just sit back and wait for life to happen? Or, or do we step out of our “boat” like Peter, and make it happen? Either way, we often forget how much we depend on God and when we do, our egos dismiss Him: “it’s OK, I got this one.”. All too often we take comfort in our modest success and assume that we no longer need Him now. We forget how much God is intimately wrapped up in every aspect of our lives… and wants to be. As a reminder of God’s perennial presence Carl Jung had the following reminder carved over the entrance to his home in Zurich, 

And what does this story say about Peter? What model does this simple man provide for us? Despite the danger that surrounded him, he was willing to leave the boat and meet Jesus where he was. And when he began to think and tried to take control instead of surrendering his fear to God, he faltered…yet somehow he knew he would be OK as he reached out to Jesus. Oh, how I envy Peter. 

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