Can you remember a time when you felt an undeniable prompt calling you to pursue a goal or an activity that was not in keeping with your routine or lifestyle? I wonder how many of us know when we have heard and responded to an inner voice nudging us relentlessly. I can remember how I was "inspired" to volunteer on a regular basis in a nursing home; bring the Eucharist to hospitalized patients, create music for a meditative prayer service and moderate a weekly bible study. I had no intention to do any of these thing but out of the blue they became an integral part of my existence for years. And while, with the exception of bible study, I miss them all very much, that was then this is now.
While reference to "a calling" is commonly associated with clergy, we don’t often consider that we’re called to a career or a secular vocation or even volunteering too. But, why not? I pose this question because the story of the Transfiguration in Matthew 17:1-9 reminds us to listen to and look for God’s will in all we do. And just as the spectacular events of the transfiguration blinded Peter, James and John, we too can be distracted by the “noise” of our busy lives. We need to set aside those distractions and listen to that inner voice that seems to resonate above the noise and follow.
In our gospel Peter in all his excitement, was eager to do something to memorialize this transformative event even before he had even processed what he had seen or just transpired. We feel like saying to Peter "Would you please be still and just listen!" While he was still speaking, a cloud came and cast a shadow over them, and they became frightened when they entered the cloud. Then from the cloud came a voice that said, “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”
Like Peter we have moments of insight and moments of denial. We too, fall down in fear and get up again to move ahead in confidence. Isn’t this a pattern that shapes our lives? We identify with Peter. This story is as much about Peter and Jesus as it is about us as we are asked to listen and to hear his voice and know God’s will for us.
In these past weeks Matthew has called our attention to Jesus’ humanity in which we share a common bond. In this week’s gospel, Matthew reveals Jesus divinity. Just as we share in Jesus’ humanity, we also share in his divinity. We must listen as we are called if we are to be transformed and become disciples of Jesus and the people of God.
“There have been
quite a few times when I have felt the winds of God’s grace in the sails of my
small boat. Sometimes these graces have moved me in pleasant and sunlit
directions. At other times the requested acts of love were born in the darkness
of struggle and suffering. There have been spring times and there have been
long cold winters of struggle for survival. God has come to me at times with
the purest kindness, at times with the most affirming encouragement, and at
other times with bold frightening challenges. I think that all of us have to
watch and pray, to be ready to say “yes” when God’s language is concrete and
his request is specific-“yes” in the sunlit spring times and “yes’ in the
darkness of winter nights.” (John Powell, S.J., The Christian Vision, The
Truth That Sets Us Free, p147)