Suppose this was the first time you were reading
Mark’s words in his Mark 8:27-38. You might wonder if these people really knew each
other or if they had an identity crisis. On the one hand Jesus asks "Who do
people say that I am?" On the other, his close “friends” who are all over
the lot, respond "John
the Baptist,” and others, “Elijah,” and still others, “one of the
prophets." Now, this is after they have seen him feed thousands; cure the
sick; raise the dead, and cast out demons. This is also after he’s provided
enough clues as to who he really is.
after Peter, comes up with the right answer, so we think, and proclaims “You
are the Messiah.” Jesus turns to his disciples and rebukes Peter…and calls him,
“Satan” and tells him that he is setting is mind on human things, not divine
here’s a loaded question, which of the two is confused? I did say it was a
loaded question but, in fairness to Peter why did he get it wrong or does even
get partial credit? (Tuesday,
September 11, 2012 rrr)
Peter's error was not in his answer to Jesus' question, but rather in his reaction to the follow-up that Jesus gives in announcing his passion and death. In the expectation of the day, Messiah meant God-blessed winner. Death was the ultimate loss. In "The Last Temptation..." Jesus, on the cross, considers whether he could have taken a different path with his life, living as an honorable family man, with no special distinction. Jesus chose the road through suffering in order to show the way of God. He thereby opened a view into the Kingdom of God.