And so the day finally arrives as the local boy who has been making quite a name for himself, finally comes home. He goes to the synagogue on the Sabbath and reads from the prophet Isaiah, after which he begins to speak. At first the crowd whispers its approval: "Mary and Joseph certainly raised a good son." But suddenly the crowd begins to get uneasy as he continues. (Luke 1-:1-21.)
They’re aware of the many miracles he’s performed before returning home. And for this reason, many had gathered. They wanted to see him “perform” for them: Why not a little razzle-dazzle for the home town folks? If only Jesus would just do some healings or other miracles, they would know that God's power was among them. But would they?
Jesus performs no miracles in Nazareth; in fact, he goes out of his way to defy expected convention by reaching out to sinners, toll collectors and outcasts. So, what started initially as a positive response, the crowd begins to get angry especially since Jesus now reaches out and begins to include the Gentiles in his ministry. The essence of Jesus’ ministry is love for all people.
This abrupt shift from awe to rage seems to go deeper than jealousy or disappointment. The assembled has become hostile and threatening. I suppose it’s hard enough for Jesus in all his humanity to live up to anticipated expectations. It’s even harder still to deal with out and out rejection. Why?
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