Monday, March 9, 2020

Give Me a Drink

The character to whom we are introduced in this week's text John 4: 5-42  is euphemistically known as the woman at the well, a Samaritan, who consistent with her religious tradition is disdained by Jews and regarded as an "outsider." She by design, is not given a name by John. Her encounter with Jesus is strange from the outset, in that their noon day meeting defies acceptable behavior as proscribed by Jewish law. As if their meeting was not strange enough,  the Samaritan woman’s conversation with Jesus is even more extraordinary as she is able to move beyond the imposed silence of religious tradition and engage Jesus in dialogue regarding religion and her marital status. In so doing she has no trouble reminding Jesus of what separates them -- he a Jew and she a Samaritan -- and of what connects them as they meet at their mutual ancestor's well. Jesus further surprises us as he  reveals to her, this "outsider," his identity, "I am he…" How is it that this woman who meets Jesus briefly, dares to “wonder out loud” if he is the Messiah, while the apostles, are still not quite convinced and continue to address him as teacher, “rabbi?”

Among other poignant messages in this gospel is Jesus’ love for what society characterizes as the "outsider." The Samaritan woman at the well immediately recognizes the societal barriers and boundaries that keep her in her place and yet she is  still willing to challenge Jesus' authority over the ancestors of their faith. She is not certain that Jesus is the Christ but she does not let that stop her from leaving behind her water jar, going back into her community, and inviting the people to come and meet with Jesus: "Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! He cannot be the Messiah, can he?" They left the city and were on their way to him.”

The woman at the well shows us that faith is about an ongoing dialogue; about growth and change. It is not about having all the answers. If we think we have all the answers and if we are content with our faith just the way it is and are comfortable with our tried and true convictions, we may miss the opportunity to grow and be transformed. How will we have the confidence like the Samaritan to ask others to "come and see?"

Another issue, perhaps for another discussion and another time, has to do with organized religions’ pronouncements on women and sexuality. At no time does Jesus condemn or judge her as society and organized religions have. Where did these rules come from? Shouldn’t we finally rise above phony morality and misplaced misogyny that has characterized so much of Judeo-Christian theology? This is really a story about the transforming power of love and not a story about a woman who like us is no less human.

After all, Jesus received the Cup from this “scandalous” woman, and she shares it with us in her joy at being loved.

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