We have come to learn over the years that John’s Gospels defy literal translation and ask that we suspend our intellect and allow the words to become flesh in us and take them to our hearts so that we might intuitively feel their presence and know the Spirit of the Word. In our Gospel (John 14:23-29) Jesus says: I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.”
Have we ever seen the Holy Spirit? This is not a trick question. Let’s think for a moment. For me the images that come to mind are those characterizations from my youth: the Dove; tongues of flame or a freely blowing breeze. This week's reading provides another depiction. The Holy Spirit is an Advocate …one who stands up for you when you need it; one who speaks on your behalf; one who lends you a helping hand, takes your side, and won't leave you while you're down.
The Holy Spirit looks like Jesus. The Spirit is "another advocate" because Jesus is the first. The Spirit, Jesus goes on to say, will abide with us and is sent in Jesus' name to remind us of what he taught. In a very real way, the Spirit affirms Jesus’ presence in us and through us, and helps to keep his promise that he will not leave us orphaned. You know him, because he abides with and lives with us
An advocate is defined as one who upholds and defends a cause or person, and intercedes on the part of another. Yes, we've seen the Spirit many times in those who share the love of Christ, and stand up for one another. They are advocates. And unfortunately, there are adversaries to the first Advocate, in the Pharisees who in their zeal to resist change, imposed their will on behalf of their self-serving interests and condemn Jesus to death and put an end to his movement once and for all.
John’s Gospel is as relevant today as it was when it was written two thousand years ago. There are advocates for the love of God in our midst…and there are adversaries. Padovano tells us that Jesus will never be found by those who reduce faith to words or doctrines or who limit religious behavior to moral exercises or spiritual behavior.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.